Cultural landscape management: Guidelines for identifying, assessing and managing cultural landscapes in the Australian Alps national parks

Jane Lennon and Associates for the Cultural Heritage Working Group of the Australian Alps Liaison Committee, March 1996



The Cultural Heritage Working Group (CHWG) of the Australian Alps Liaison Committee (AALC) commissioned these guidelines to assist parks staff make decisions about cultural landscape management, when faced with juggling priorities for action, or when faced with conflicting advice. Often in the past, staff have not been in a position to consider conservation options for a range of park components. This document is intended to be used as a reference guide for managing cultural heritage at various scales in Alps parks landscapes.

Parks staff will get best value from the guidelines by reading them and becoming familiar with the concepts, and by referring to them in the course of everyday duties. They are best kept within easy reach of the work desk, or stored in the tools of the trade’ library collection, in the Service vehicle.

The material provided in this guide is not intended to give you ‘cook-book’ or ‘right’ answers for any particular landscape – rather, it offers a number of principles, concepts and processes to help you make decisions about managing Alps parks cultural landscapes more effectively.