Australian Alps Walking Track Strategy and Operational Plan: Works Program 2008 – 2010

Neville Byrne for Australian Alps Liaison Committee, July 2008


Executive summary

The Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT) is Australia’s premier long-distance walking track for seasoned and self-sufficient walkers seeking remote experiences; and also offers a range of shorter-walk opportunities for less experienced and less-skilled walkers to appreciate the beauty of the Australian Alps.

This strategy clarifies the purpose of the Australian Alps Walking Track and sets the scene for its management for a range of visitor experiences.

The Strategy is a tool to encourage States and the Territory to work co-operatively to manage and promote the route of the AAWT as a continuous entity with a range of walking opportunities, and to identify opportunities and initiatives to further improve the track and its promotion.

The Strategy outlines the long-term directions for the management and promotion of the AAWT and seeks:

  • consistent presentation of the AAWT regardless of tenure
  • promotion consistent with the park management objectives
  • management consistent with the expectations of both long-distance walkers, and in popular sections with the expectations of those with less skills or experience
  • marketing to domestic and international experience seekers
  • partnerships to optimise use and management of the AAWT.

The Works Program highlights significant actions on the AAWT which will be formulated biennially and endorsed by the AAWT Management Group.

The Operational Plan specifies medium-term on-ground standards for maintenance and presentation of the AAWT; and is an important vehicle for ensuring consistency of presentation of the track and for communication and information sharing. It specifies standards and operational arrangements for:

  • Administration and Oversight
  • Managers’ Responsibilities
  • Approved route of AAWT
  • Track Standards
  • Signage and Marking
  • Facilities
  • Accommodation and Camping
  • Minimal Impact Code
  • Permits and Conditions
  • Promotion and Community Education
  • Information and Publications
  • Stakeholders and Volunteers
  • Aboriginal Community Consultation